Apr 10Liked by Orlando

Orlando I am sorry that you have been having a turbulent past few years. I know there is not much I can do to help other than pay for my subscription to your substack, so that is what I do :)

Also, if it makes you feel any better, the old Clare Field Trip green you had before was the exact shade of green I was looking for my home office! I have been searching for just the right shade of olive / dark green and this seems to fit the bill. I am going to order a sample. If it ends up being the shade I choose to paint the entire room, I will send you a picture. I am a big fan of yours and when I read your content, I feel like I know you. It sounds creepy, but believe me, it is not. You do a good job of conveying your feelings and emotions here, so it helps us understand you. Thanks! August (from Hoboken, NJ)

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Apr 11Liked by Orlando

I went through a phase a few years ago - a beige phase. I was low, low, low and not doing well mentally.

I'm baaaack now, baby and my life is full of splooshes of colour! Yaay!

Orlando, you ARE OKAY.

You are experiencing not feeling okay about your life at the moment.

It's like saying "I'm hungry" when we're experiencing hunger.

We are not hunger - we're experiencing hunger, right?

"I'm tired" vs I'm feeling tired.

"I'm scared" vs I'm feeling tired now.

Feel the feels, but don't allow them to become your being.

With love,

Rusty 🥰

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Apr 10Liked by Orlando

Of course you’re not all right, Orlando. You’ve been literally in the worst place you can be for years with no end in sight. You’re just now coming out of it by sheer will and resilience, with some vision and drive tossed in. And, of course there were some benefits of going through hell, alone, but reading about it gave me so much empathy for what you endured. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone! (Well, maybe Trump-lol).

There’s not much advice to give except for to continue what you’re doing, exercising, surrounding yourself with friends and family, keep on keeping on. Someone once said that Life is filled with grueling endurance interspersed with moments of joy. Hunt for the joy! xo

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Apr 10Liked by Orlando

My new year’s resolution was literally to “lighten the hell up” - and I am definitely not always succeeding! Sometimes the best we can do is fake it until we make it. And sometimes the best we can do is sit on the couch and binge Girls5eva while ugly crying and cuddling our dogs. It’s not pretty, but it’s real.

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Apr 10Liked by Orlando

I hope that things fall in place financially sooner than you anticipate. I've never liked to paint, even when I was in better shape. Now I'm out of shape with back pain, no way!! Fingers crossed for you to find the perfect window treatment for as little cash outlay as possible!!💕

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Apr 10Liked by Orlando

New wall colors are like a fresh start!

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That’s a really pretty color and I love Clare paints. My daughter’s room is Headspace— I wonder if that would work with your velvet drapes because there is a little more blue to contrast with Emerald? Or perhaps a pale yellow, like Lemonade, would be light and bright and also play nicely with green velvet? You’re the expert of course but my suggestions are inspired by you!

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